Fourteen & Fifteen Months

Fourteen Months

Weight: 20.66 pounds (as of 1/17/18)
Length: 29.9 inches (as of 1/17/18)
Likes: Dancing, reading his touch and feel books
Clothing Size: 12 months. I tried putting him in a sweatshirt that was 12-18 months, and Nick said LT looked like Bill Belichick
Diaper Size: 4
Favorite Toy(s): He really enjoys some of his new Christmas gifts, especially a snuggly puppy that talks and sings and a farm set with new tractors.
Skills: Standing up without holding on to anything
Eating: He’ll try about anything, though he is not a fan of Cheerios. He likes trying to self-feed with a spoon, and sometimes he’s even successful! He prefers to have a little breast milk mixed with his whole milk, though he will definitely take a sippy cup of milk or water—he hasn’t used a bottle since about 11 months. I still nurse him when we’re at home, mostly when he wakes up and before bed a night.
Sleeping: He continues to sleep all night, and we love it! Occasionally he’ll skip a morning nap, but most of the time he still needs a short nap in the morning. He definitely prefers to be held for naps, but sleeps in his crib at night.
Firsts: Swimming lesson, Twin’s fest (baseball pre-season fun)
Mommy’s Highlight: Christmas!
Daddy’s Highlight(s): Going to Twins Fest, watching LT learn how to rip wrapping paper, and the way his head bob while dancing looks like a penguin walking or the Night at the Roxbury (and his head shake looks like Chris Kattan in the Christmas Song).

Fifteen Months

Weight: 21.4 pounds (as of 3/1/18)
Length: 30.2 inches (as of 3/1/18)
Likes: Bringing books to us to read to him – mostly his 100 First Words book and touch and feel books. He is also really into dogs – if he sees one near him or on TV, he points and smiles and babbles.
Clothing Size: 12 months, and 12-18 month clothes. As is usual with clothing, sizing varies by brand. There are some 12-month pants that are still plenty big on him, and some 12-month shirts that are now too small for him.
Diaper Size: 4
Favorite Toy(s): Books
Skills: Walking! Hooray! Also, dancing.
Eating: He loves carbs, so I’ve tried to give him sort-of-healthy carbs, like no-sugar-added banana muffins. He’s getting more and more independent with his eating, but we still have to help him get some vegetables down, and he isn’t a big fan of meat yet. He’s drinking only whole milk at daycare, and we still nurse in the morning and before bed.
Sleeping: Sleeps all night like a champ! He goes to bed between 7-7:30pm, and usually wakes up after 6am, though he did have a week this past month where he was waking up at 5.
Firsts: Going to Superbowl Live
Daddy’s Highlight: Being able to soothe LT when he (occasionally) wakes up in the night. He used to only want Mommy!
Mommy’s Highlight: Daddy being able to soothe LT overnight.

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